Current Events Assignment 10-30-15

Bacon and other processed meat may cause cancer.
“Bacon Causes Cancer? Sort of. Not Really. Ish.”
-The World Health Organization (WHO), recently classified processed meat as a group 1 carcinogen. The same group as tobacco. Which is actually quite silly considering it does’t consider how much either substance actually increases your risk of cancer. Smoking increases your relative risk of lung cancer by 2,500 percent. While eating two slices of bacon a day increases your relative risk for colorectal cancer by 18 percent. So bacon and other processed meats can cause cancer, but it’s not likely.
-As I read the beginning of the article, I thought of a couple of curse words as I thought my life would soon end because of cancer. However, it turns out it’s not that likely to do so. So you can bet that I’m not going to hold off of on bacon anytime soon. Even if I do get unlucky enough to obtain cancer from it, I can always eat more bacon in heaven.
-I certainly don’t think the world needs to trip big time over this. This really only effects the people who are really death conscience. You know those people who drive with two hands, drink tea in the mornings, and don’t know how to live. For the rest of us, we can continue to fill our mouths with delicious bacon just as carelessly as before knowing such information because it’s worth it. And for goodness sake, what doesn’t give us cancer? It’s like every month it’s a new thing that will give cancer. I believe it’s time to accept that cancer will probably happen to most us. Oh well.

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